The India Mushroom Summit 2023 will feature experts from diverse fields who will share their insights and knowledge. This event is a must-attend for anyone involved in the mushroom industry, offering valuable information and expertise.

November 24 – 26, New Delhi, India

The Summit, held on November 24th-26th, 2023, will include 20-minute oral presentations followed by 10 minutes for questions, dedicated poster sessions, and 30-minute invited keynote presentations with a 10-minute Q&A. These events will take place over a three-day period.

REGISTER By 31 July’ 2023

To Receive Discounted Prices.

Registration Information

Conference registration provides delegates access to all three days of the IMS’23 event. The registration fee includes the book of abstracts, refreshments (morning tea, evening tea, and lunch), entry to the Exhibition, and participation in the NETWORK DINNER on November 24th. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted must pay the registration fee by September 15th to ensure the publication of their abstracts in the Summit Book of Abstracts.


  • Early bird (Till July 31st) $490
  •  General registration from August 1st, 2023, to September 30th, 2023: $590
  • Late booking from October 1st, 2023, to November 15th, 2023: $790


  • Early bird (Till July 31st) Rs. 5995/-
  • General (from 01/08/23 – 30/09/23) Rs. 7995/-
  • Late booking (from 01/10/23 – 15/11/23) Rs. 9995/-

A special discount of 10% off the registration fee is applicable to students and farmers. To avail the discount, please send your requests to

Exhibition Registration

Exhibition booths are offered in multiples of 16 square meters at the India Mushroom Summit. The minimum size for a booth is 16 square meters. Each booth will be equipped with prefabricated standard panels, lighting, a front table, a round table, four chairs, and a brochure display shelf.

FOREIGN Companies (Reserve exhibition booths in multiples

• Early bird (Till July 31st) $2000
• General booking from August 1st, 2023, to September 30th, 2023: $3000

INDIAN Companies (Reserve exhibition booths in multiples

• Early bird (Till July 31st) Rs.30,000/-
• General booking from August 1st, 2023, to September 30th, 2023: Rs. 50,000/-

For further details and registration for IMS’23, please visit

The India Mushroom Summit will bring together key players from the mushroom industry to discuss challenges, opportunities, and advancements in the sector.


Organized By

Growdiesel Climate Care Council, New Delhi

Scan for Venue
Managed By

Mushroom Exchange, Lucknow


Call:- +91 8860114488